DigitalStyx How to submit Google sitemap for your Blog... ~ DigitalStyx

Thursday 7 November 2013

The XML Sitemap  is like a directory of all web pages that exist on your webpage or blogger 

submitting a sitemap to google make sure all your blog pages are crawled and indexed in
Google search,lets see how to submit a blogger sitemap to Google webmaste tools...
1)login to webmaster tools...
click following link to login to google webmaster tools

2)click ADD A SITE botton to submit your blog(or)website to webmaster tools…

3)add your website url at following window then  click continue button .once you add the site you need to verify it by adding meta tag to your blog


4) now click alternate methods at following window then select  HTML tags radio button. and copy the following code.

Login to blogger click->Template->Edit HTML and paste above code  between <head></head> tags.

And now click verify button on webmaster tool.
Now you’ve successfully verified your site on Google webmaster tools…

5) next… lets add sitemap for your blog…
Now click your blog on webmaster tools…it shoes following screenshot…then click sitemap tab from this window…

6)now click ADD/SITE SITEMAP button from following window…
And Now you type atom.xml (or)rss.xml both will work…


Click submit sitemap ….”DONE”


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